Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween: My Guilty Pleasure

 Ah, Halloween, my favorite holiday besides Christmas. I love it when people dress up and decorate their houses for the trick-or-treaters and get really creative with it. Even though there's still the entire month of October left I'm still super excited! There's just something about Halloween that's mysterious, like something "unnatural" could happen at any moment and in the back of your mind there's a part of you that wants it to happen! Well, maybe that's just me, but whatever. I've always like creepy/eerie things (not to be confused with gore) and Halloween has the perfect way to stimulate that interest.

 Dressing up is one of the best parts of Halloween now that I'm older (candy is awesome, but it isn't the world anymore). I've gone as a ghost, a zombie bride, a vampire/witch (more times when I'd like to say) and most recently a escaped convict. This year I'm going as a ghost because the last time I dressed as one it was awesome and really fun! I'm super excited about dressing up because I already have a good idea of how my costume will look and this time I can do my own make-up!

 Decorating my house is also another great part of Halloween because me, my dad and my little sister go to the extremes when we start setting things up. We usually make 2+ 6ft tall monsters and set them up around our front yard, have spider webs all around in the trees and bushes, and have a stereo system set up with a "Halloween Sounds" CD playing. Last year we made a system where a plastic bat flies down a cord at people! Hopefully this year we'll make something new!

 Anyway, I'm sorry for only posting one thing during the entire month of September, but I was a little busy with other things like school and reading all 6,000 pages of Homestuck. This month I'm planning to update much more with Halloween things like the progress of my costume! That, and of course anything else that comes to mind! I think in the next post I'll talk about what's going on with my writing because there are a few things I need to work on and blah blah blah. Ha ha.

 Thanks for reading,


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